Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Why Are You in Business?

It may seem an odd question but it’s one that many business people get wrong. 

zegit media for websites and information

The real reason that you are in business is to find out what your customers want and supply it.

As a small business, you have many goals and objectives that you seek to achieve.  These goals often cloud our judgment and interfere with growth rather than contribute to it or sustain it.  The most important overall objective of your business is to find out what customers want and supply it.  In other words, find the customer’s pain and provide a solution to relieve it.

Every business requires a high level of service.  Your job is to examine the customer’s business, see the pain he/she feels, and provide a solution based on a fresh new perspective that is free of their encumbrances.  What would you do to acquire products if you were the customer?  Would you buy from your company?  If so, why? If not, why not? You must be able to empathize with the customer without sympathizing. 

To accomplish this, you need to develop skills that are unmatched by any competitor.  You must believe in your product and believe you can close every sale.  This is a journey – so why even start out if you think you will fail. If you don’t believe, you’re doomed to failure.  If you do believe, it is possible you will fail, but so what.  To succeed, you must believe it is possible to succeed.

If you work diligently toward your goal, you will reach your goals.  Work closely with your employees.  Together, you are a team. A team that wins! A team that sets goals, that practices together, studies and learns the product and solutions together. A team that accepts defeats without bitterness. This is the path to becoming an industry leader.  Together, you and your team will be the talk of the industry and be able to say we’re helping people because we’re helping companies to manage their costs and remain able to provide invaluable services to their customers.

At ZEG-IT we have a philosophy about customers.  See if you agree. 

Profile of a Customer

There are many times when you may tire of dealing with customers, especially the ones who are demanding and difficult to reach. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember the following concepts that describe what a customer really is.
  •   A customer is the most important person in our business.
  •   A customer is not dependent upon us; we’re dependent upon the customer.
  •   A customer is not an interruption of work; a customer is the purpose of our work.
  •   A customer is not an outsider to our business; he’s part of it.
  •   A customer is not someone to argue with
  •   No one wins an argument with a customer
  •   A customer has needs and wants; it’s our job to provide solutions.
  •   We are not doing a customer a favor by serving him
  •   The customer is doing you a favor by giving you the opportunity to serve him.

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